People love avoiding negative emotions
I originally created this mini-workshop for my startup teammates for our weekly mental health check-ins.
FYI: Steve is not real, this is just an example.
NARRATION: This will not be shared with anyone, it’s private to you. But I do encourage you, after this workshop, to communicate with the person you will write about.
Step 1
Write down something about another teammate that causes you to feel a negative emotion. If you don’t have one about a teammate, choose a family member, partner or friend.
- Anger
- Frustration
- Annoyance
- Jealousy
- Disappointment
Example: I feel anger when Steve micromanages my slide deck designs.
Step 2
Write down the story associated with that emotion.
Example: Steve is controlling and doesn’t care that he’s wasting my time with micro-adjustments that haven’t been thought through.
Acknowledge that this story is putting you below the line. It’s putting you in a state where you are responding to a threat. It is preventing you from feeling creative, curious and optimistic. Threatened states narrow our view of the world.
Step 3
Write down what you are afraid of.
Example: My fear is that Steve will always be so unpleasant to work with and I’ll spend the rest of my life fighting this controlling behavior and that’s exhausting.
Step 4
Write down what you really want.
Example: What I really want is recognition and trust that I can do my job.
Step 5
Take 100% responsibility and ownership for how you are feeling. Write down specific ways that you have put yourself in this position.
Example: I’ve really been pissing myself off and believing a lot of stories about how Steve is wrong and I am right. I have been blaming Steve for my situation and I realize that I’ve created this situation by not acknowledging what is important to me and by not setting any boundaries around getting design feedback.
Step 6
Write down additional beliefs and stories you have around why you have put yourself into this situation.
Example: I believe that dealing with this emotion of anger is my burden. The responsible thing to do is to handle it alone and not bring it up to Steve. I am the one feeling angry and the mature thing to do is to learn how to cope with it and learn how to work with Steve.
Step 7
What if the opposite of step 6 was true?
Example: What if it’s the responsible and mature thing to bring this up to Steve? What if trying to handle it internally is actually the weaker and the easier choice?
Step 8
Approach this idea from a place of Presence, a place of curiosity.
Example: Hmm, I acknowledge that Steve really cares about this presentation and that’s why he feels the impulse to make a million tweaks. He is going to present it and that’s a lot of pressure on him. How could we find a happy medium?
Summarize Step 1 - 8 to form the language you want to share with your person.
You’re not saying all the words from Step 1-8, you’re combining what you uncovered there and ordering the context slightly differently.
- Communicate what is important to you and why.
- Address your story and fear
- Acknowledge the point of view of the other person
- Communicate that you are taking 100% responsibility for how you are feeling
- Share how you have put yourself in this situation
- Provide specific concrete ways that you two can find a happy medium
There is a way to stand up for what you want while remaining open. Compromising isn’t the same as allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. Seek to find a win for all.
The bit-sized summary:
- Realize the negative emotion you’re feeling’
- Accept yourself for feeling it
- Be willing to feel the feeling (don’t run from it even though you’re scared of it or it’s uncomfortable)
- Try to shift yourself to a place of openness.